This fresh fruit is definitely my favorite fruit. Melon has tender flesh, soft and it’s very sweet. Melon is also high in water.  Melon is also contained a high amount of vitamin A. In a single slice of melon, you can get 0,7 gram of fiber, 0,1 gram of protein and 25 gram of calorie. Melon is the best supporter for your diet program. Melons are also rich in kalium for prevent the heart and stroke attack.

Lemon (45 mg)<

Lemon (45 mg)


Lemon is categorized as orange class. This oval fruit is usually big and bright in color. Lemon is very famous as additional seasoning or fresh drink. Inside a mid-sized melon, you can get 2,5 gram of fiber, 25 gram of calorie and 0,1 gram of protein. Lemon is useful for dealing with digestive problem and prevents constipation.

Starfruit (46

Starfruit (46 mg)


With their five sides of stars, this unique fruit is also the source of vitamin C. Starfruit taste is sweet, sour and fresh.  And it has the high amount of water. You can get 4 gram of fiber, 2,1 gram of protein, and 40 gram of calorie. You can eat this fruit or you can make it into fresh juice.

Mango (58,2 mg)

Mango (58,2 mg)

t_1230" style="width: 810px" class="wp-caption alignnone">Mango

Image: Shutterstock

Mango, no doubt, this is the most popular fruit especially in tropical area. Mango usually harvested in dry season. Although it has different varieties but they shared the same benefits. In 100 mg of mango, you can get 3 gram of fiber, 140 gram of calorie and 1,2 gram of protein.

Breadfruit (62

Breadfruit (62 mg)


Breadfruit has a large and round appearance. You can steam and fry this fruit. It has sweet taste and it can make you full from its high amount of carbohydrates, so this fruit can be a good replacement for rice. Inside a breadfruit, you can find 10 gram of fiber, 200 of calorie and 2,25 of protein.

Passionfruit (7

Passionfruit (72 mg)

it can have a lot of fruits in a single plant. It’s easy to grow and it doesn’t need a difficult treatment. In 100 gram of passionfruit, you can get 24 gram of fibers, 200 of calorie, and 5,2 gram of protein.  Passionfruit is good for maintaining the healthy skin and prevent lungs cancer.

Pineapple (77 mg)Pineapple (77 mg)

9" style="width: 810px" class="wp-caption alignnone">Source:


Pineapple has sweet and sour taste and fragrant flavor. Pineapple can grow very fast, so we can found it almost entire of season. Pineapple has lot of nutritional benefits such as kalium, betacaroten,and bromelain which can prevent skin bruishes. In 100 gram of pineapple, you can get 3 gram of fiber, 80 gram of calorie, and 0,7 of protein.

Guava (378 mg)

Guava (378 mg)">Guava - High Fiber Food

Well, I think most of us thought that orange is the last fruit with high concentration of vitamin C. Well, unfortunately, the answer is incorrect. Guava is fruit with the highest source of vitamin C. Inside 100 gram of guava, you can get 9 gram of fiber, 4,1 gram of protein, and 100 gram of calorie.

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